HISTORY of The City Gate

tcg_dining rm picThe City Gate was formally incorporated on April 26, 1988 as the result of several pastors from local churches banding together to create a church specifically for Spokane’s inner-city dwellers. The first location was on First Avenue across from the old bus station. Our second location was at the Otis Hotel. Both were “store front” operations with very small kitchens. It was recognized very early on that social needs were present in this population as well as spiritual needs, and so food and clothing banks were set up.

The present location at 170 S. Madison is in the heart of downtown. Purchased and renovated in June 2000 it continues to serve both the inner-city and homeless of Spokane as a church, social drop-in center, food bank,  clothing bank, life skills & social services as well as low cost housing and emergency shelter rooms.

The City Gate Staff

  • John Murinko – Pastor
  • James Gulbranson – Apt. Manager/Security
  • Eric Murinko – little bit of everything
  • Kathy Gibbons – Front Desk Manager
  • Dale Sanchez – Driver/Kitchen
  • Buffie Harmon – Clothing Bank
  • Jimmy Hahn – Food Bank

From the Board of Trustees

The City Gate ministry is administered by a Board of Trustees composed of volunteer stewards who oversee the gifts that God brings in. Gifts come in several forms such as dedicated staff members, volunteers, food, clothing, and money. Each member of the board has love for our Lord and for the people who are struggling in the inner-city. The Trustees determine policies, generate new resources, watching carefully the expenditures of the monies donated as well as oversee the operations and staff. The Board of Trustees meet at least one time per month and many of them volunteer regularly serving meals and fellow-shipping with the people.

Board of Trustees Members

  • Bill Davis
  • John Murinko
  • John Kittel
  • Bob May

WHO IS The City Gate?

The City Gate is a non-profit organization that is first and foremost a church with the purpose of RECLAIMING, REBUILDING & RESTORING Lost and Broken Lives. We begin this mission by providing a “gathering place” at our downtown location that’s open to the public with no limitation of persons.

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During REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS (Tue-Fri, 10am-2:30pm):

  • Clothing bank
  • 2nd Harvest Food Bank
  • Bread/Produce Sharing
  • Coffee, breakfast and lunch
  • Shower
  • Blankets, sleeping bags, toiletries and household items
  • Fellowship and activities such as movies

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IN ADDITION TO our regular business hours:

  • 11:30 pm LUNCH – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
  • 8 am BREAKFAST – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
  • Alberta House low cost apartments above The City Gate
  • Two emergency shelter apartments

The City Gate Board of Trustees, staff and volunteers aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. We are the ground roots of hope for those who so often aren’t in a position to see anything but hopelessness. From the homeless to low-income families, youth on the streets to those who are addicts, from the mentally ill to the outcast, The City Gate provides a place of refuge from the streets in a safe and family like atmosphere.

EVERYONE has a God given purpose and is worth reaching. Not all respond to our touch however in over 30 years of service we have seen countless men, women and children impacted by the love, support and provision from those who so selflessly give of their time, funds and resources here at The City Gate.